
Well, I've finally decided to blog. I'm not sure what I'm blogging about but it'll probably be just a bunch of verbal diarheah. Maybe just

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My first ramblings

It seems odd to me, a Blog. Who really reads these things anyway. If I read all of my friend's blogs that is all I would have time to do. Not that I don't want you to read it - I do. But I'm just not sure I'll have a huge audience, so I guess this is mainly for me. I'll just start with something I've been thinking lately. There are two kinds of people in this world: the half full type and the half empty type. I'd like to consider myself the half full type (of course I have my half empty moments, we all do). I try to look at the world with a type of happy opptimism. Lately though, those half empty types are really getting to me. I'd like to tell them to all just shut up if I said that sort of thing to people. Why does everything have to have a negative aspect? It doesn't - you can always spin things around and find the positive. Like this for example: I change diapers and wipe butts all day long, it is gross, no two ways about it. However, I love those dirty little bums! They are attached to the cutest kids alive and I'll wipe 'em all day long because I love them! Here's to all you half empty types: relax, take a deep breath and look at the world a little different. Get outside in the sunshine, tickle a child, jump on a trampoline. I bet your glass would start to fill up!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you made it here! You will have lots of interesting things to share so don't worry. I hope you guys are doing well.
